

Fun Picture

Now here's a picture that's fun, taken in 2Y's apartment. It's a little over-exposed, but it was fun to try different settings to get the best effect. This one was it, after 5 to 6 tries.

I was looking at this picture, and suddenly felt that it most represented my feelings in some of my classes, that I was sometimes there and sometimes not... but in general relaxed and happy while I was there. =)


shmoo said...

Did you go back in time and accidentally get your mother to fall in love with you, jeopardizing your own existence?

Josekin said...

Uh... for the suspecting reader, shmoo is referring to Back to the Future, where Michael Fox sees his own body go transparent when his future dad was too much of a wuss to ask his future mom to dance, thereby jeopardizing his own existence. Man, maybe I should moderate these comments like BSLW does.

shmoo said...

I was referring more to him watching himself and his siblings fade from a photograph, but close enough.

MZ said...

hey, u need to work out...

Josekin said...

MZ, I do work out. With BnJ.

Anonymous said...

hey where's my pic? send it to me ba! it's soooooooo cool.
